Blogs And Articles Module Features
Another awesome module to take your travel business to next level.

The perfect Blogging Module
Powerful, Flexible & Opensource code to Use Online Blogging SEO Ready
Simple and straight module with limited but amazing features such as adding articles managing categories, add image for different articles and optimize for seo
No code or database skill required to use blog module. all you need is to login as a admin and go to modules from general module and enable the module and that's all
You can make backup to your articles and all the categories anytime all you need to select blog tables from system backup and you may restore the backup also anytime.
The Complete Blogging Module

Aggregated Solution
With our multiple channel aggregation feature now we can get inventory from different API's with realtime pricing and booking.
- GDS & OTA Integration
- Realtime API's and Dashboards
- 100% Opensource Platform Structure
- Highly Scalable and Extensive
- Secure by Additinal Layers
- Latest Technology Implemented
- Self-Hosted Structure
- Developer Friendly Documentation
- Live Testing Demonstration