We stand with Palestine Palestine Because Humanity Matters

Plans and Prices

Flexible plans suitable for the one man show to entreprise and corporates.

For startups or new ventures


$499 / One-time

15+ API's Integrations Included

1 Domain License

Basic Support

Web Application

1st Installation Free

100% Open-source Code

Multi Language

Multi Currency

B2B Business to Business / Agents

User Balance Wallet

RESTful API & Docs

Lifetime free updates

Multi-Theme Feature

Customization Allowed

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For a running travel agencies


$999 / One-time

15+ API's Integrations Included

1 Domain License

Basic Support

Web Application

1st Installation Free

100% Open-source Code

Multi Language

Multi Currency

B2B Business to Business / Agents

User Balance Wallet

RESTful API & Docs

Lifetime free updates

Multi-Theme Feature

Customization Allowed

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Most Popular

For high performing agencies


$2499 / One-time

15+ API's Integrations Included

Unlimited Domain License

Premium Support

Web Application

1st Installation Free

100% Open-source Code

Multi Language

Multi Currency

B2B Business to Business / Agents

User Balance Wallet

RESTful API & Docs

Lifetime free updates

Multi-Theme Feature

Customization Allowed

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Do you offer discounts for non-profits or educational institutions?

Yes we do. We are happy to offer verified non-profits, school, and universities a 25% discount on the all products.
You can email [email protected] to get the process started.


We have a dedicated and expert support team for you, We communicate and help you with Livechat, Skype, Whatsapp and ticket system in real-time 24/7.

100% Opensource

Developed using the latest technologies, PHP, JS, jQuery, HTML5, Bootstrap and Codeigniter framework with HMVC coding pattern.

Responsive Design

Responsive themes for seamless full-blow user experience by managing a steady look and feel of your site across devices.


We take security seriously and back our product with a Security Bounty Program to encourage responsible disclosure by researchers.


With our streamlined technology we give you an unprecedented level of control. User-friendly fast, easy to understand and manage.


Ability to add, edit or customize any language as per your requirements. RTL & LTR both versions available with an editable option.

Payment Gateways

Supports with all the payment gateways carried by major e-payments to power your customers transfer payments hassle-free.


A flexible and powerful templating engine and many built-in options allow you to fully customize the system to your needs.


Robust search engine, and secure payment system provide an all-in-one solution for customers to easily make their travel arrangements.

Frequently asked questions

Below, is a list of frequently asked questions. We tried to gather a list of some of the most common questions, and hopefully these help you to answer your questions.

Is the code is 100% Open-Source??

Our application is 100% Open-source and ready to customize from back-end to front-end. You are fully allowed to extend, Customize or redesign only for your business only.

How long does it take to setup after I purchase?

Once an order has been submitted and paid, you will receive an e-mail to download the application. Usually, it takes 5 to 6 hours during business hours.

Are there any hidden charges?

No, there are not any hidden charges. You will receive fully functional booking application.

Can I request custom changes?

Yes! you can. We do provide custom web development at very affordable price. Please arrange your requirements document and open ticket from customization's area.

Which hosting should I use for this?

The application is smart and it supports all kind of hosting. You can even run this booking engine with minimum server specs and no additional things are required.

How can I get support and advice?

Get in touch with our support team through the Contact us page or send us a ticket through our ticket support system using your client area.

We use on multiple domains?

Yes it will cost you $100 for each additional domain license. or you can use unlimited domains license with the entreprise package

Do you offer refund?

Sorry, our application is Open-source and it can be copied after sale. Keep in mind that we are not able to offer refund. Please take full overview on our demo website before proceeding with order. So, we can avoid any dispute in future.

Safe & Secure 128bit - SSL Encrypted checkout.

Aggregated Solution

With our multiple channel aggregation feature now we can get inventory from different API's with realtime pricing and booking.

  • GDS & OTA Integration
  • Realtime API's and Dashboards
  • 100% Opensource Platform Structure
  • Highly Scalable and Extensive
  • Secure by Additinal Layers
  • Latest Technology Implemented
  • Self-Hosted Structure
  • Developer Friendly Documentation
  • Live Testing Demonstration

We are Growing!



Live Websites






Nancy - 24fights.com
PHPTRAVELS Transformed our Business with Exceptional Solution & Service.
View Website


M. Saeed - Tazkira.ae
PHPTRAVELS is the real Secret Behind Tazkira's 80% of Online Sales & Bookings
View Website


Khalid Nawalah - Bookingjordan.com
Our Achievements are Powered by PHPTRAVELS & Their Super Supportive Team.
View Website

Ready To Get Started?

Qasim Hussain

[email protected]


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