At PHPTRAVELS, we are dedicated to sustaining and supporting the digital evolution of online travel ventures. Based in Lahore, Pakistan, we strive to innovate and introduce new schemes in the online travel industry through meticulous planning and a deep commitment to realizing your dreams in this field.
What Sets Us Apart?
What distinguishes us from the multitude of other service providers? We value the power and integrity of personal experiences and ideas unique to our team members, collaborators, and sponsors, who come from diverse backgrounds. Our respect for different opinions, perspectives, and individual ideas forms the foundation of our service, enabling us to navigate challenges and disagreements with strength and resilience.
Empowering All
Our mission is to empower both novices and seasoned professionals by connecting them with enthusiasts from various technical fields, local businesses, and services to organize delightful trips.
Our Pride
What makes us proud? We provide a platform for you to showcase and market your unique plans and perspectives in a compelling and profitable way.
Our Motto
"You dream, we design" is our guiding principle. Share your visions with us, and let us help turn them into cherished memories through our dedicated efforts!

Aggregated Solution
With our multiple channel aggregation feature now we can get inventory from different API's with realtime pricing and booking.
- GDS & OTA Integration
- Realtime API's and Dashboards
- 100% Opensource Platform Structure
- Highly Scalable and Extensive
- Secure by Additinal Layers
- Latest Technology Implemented
- Self-Hosted Structure
- Developer Friendly Documentation
- Live Testing Demonstration