Find out what's new!
Version v9.1 - SEP 07 2024
- Added Visa Module
- Added Cartrawler API
- Added DiscoverCars API
- Added Reports Module
- Theme UI improved
- Reported minor bugs fixed
- Added Amazon Payment Gateway
- API Docs Updated
- And much more...
- More Details
Version v9 - SEP 01 2023
- Crafted Entirely new Product
- Supported PHP 8.2.x
- Built-in Notifications
- 10+ API Integrations
- Dynamic Languages
- And Much More..
- More Details
Version v8 - NOV 01 2021
- Aggregation feature mixing modules content
- New folder structure
- Complex and advanced search queries
- New SEO optimize URLs
- B2B business to business agents module
- User and agents wallets balance accounts
- All structure based on restfull APIs
- New and easy payment gateway structure
- New and better theme for users and agents
- More Details
Version v7.4 - AUG 01 2020
- Fixed and optimized UI theme design
- Fixed some functionality bugs
- Some security patches
- Iway cars transfers API Integration new module
- Hotelston hotels API Integration new module
- eJuniper hotels API integration new module
- Rentals complete new module
- Boats complete new module
- Images with .jpeg files upload bug fixed
- Secured backups folder with index.html
- License system updated for admin and home both
- Homepage featured images fixed size for responsive devices
Version v7.3 - FEB 10 2020
- CMS dynamic menus option enabled
- Admin blog design improved
- Admin flights page design improved
- Admin hotels design improved
- Admin tours design improved
- Admin cars design improved
- Admin offers design improved
- Admin coupons design improved
- Admin cms pages design improved
- Admin settings page design improved
- Admin supplier accounts design improved
- Admin email templates design improved
- Admin modules design improved
- Admin data tables design improved and optimised
- htaccess warning added to root
- New feature added to edit the position of menus
- Upgraded PHP now officially we support PHP version 7.4
- Travelpayouts Hotels improved integration with better functionality
- HTTPS redirection implemented by default no need to configure anymore
- Fixed multiple rows for availability of rooms availability feature
- Frontend flights selection design improved
- Frontend URL Copy feature added for hotels tours and cars
- Tours module added option to deleted selected location
- Suppliers added commission feature
- Email template new design implemented
- Added discount option for hotels tours and cars
- Widgets feature implemented for tour operators now they can share iframe
- Complete delete all selected contents on back-end dynamically
- Ban by IP featured added to ban any IPs for security measures
- Added by default robot.txt for search engines improvement.
Version v7.2 - OCT 31 2019
- API integration
- Complete new responsonsive theme
- Front-end Upgrade to bootstrap v4.3.1
- Jquery update to 2.2.4
- Backend module page simplified and divided modules in sections
- Added option to checkout website within responsive by
- Hotelbeds booking reference column added and bug fixed
- Multi Currency cron auto update bug fixed
- Folder structure for themes now improved and simplified
- Git auto pull feature to URL for your development env
- Visa module added now you can collect visa details from your clients
- TripAdvisor re-integrated with better structure for hotels module.
Version v7.1 - AUG 10 2019
- Code optimization and structure improved
- Homepage and theme design improvements
- Currencies auto update API integtrated
- Currencies cron feature added
- Currency bug auto selection fixed
- flights API integrated
- Security patches and improvements
- Hotels tours cars added title on details page
- Suppliers dashboard admin statics removed
- Featured added on backend modules to order by numbers
- Blog page added sharethis for social sharing
- Installation checks improved for easy and perfect script installation
- Offers module status bug resolved
- hotelbeds database connection check on settings page
- added feature to test website responsive at
Version v7 - APR 01 2019
- Backend admin panel re-designed
- Backend font-awesome version upgraded
- New integration module ( )
- Tours main search optimized to show all tours
- Hotelbeds result listing page fix hotels loading
- Offers listing page UI Bugs fixed
- Ripple effect fixed for logo brand
- Removed irrelevant modules from back-end quick book
- Custom flights module fixed some important bugs and improved
- Cookies-Law alert designed and created page for CMS to edit the content
- Homepage footer re-designed and optimized the responsive style
- Google captcha enabled for contact form to protect from spammers
- Tours main search destination now showing all tours by click
- Tours main search mobile destination view bug resolved
- Tours main search category selection bug fixed for mobile device
- Flights main search auto complete for date-picker bug fixed
- Hotels main search UI mobile responsive adults selection area fixed
Version v6.5 - NOV 02 2018
- Memory limit for backup solved no more server configuration required
- backend menu added scroller to view completely on smaller screens
- introduced full calendar with rooms availablility and status modification
- jQuery version upgraded from v1 to v2
- Integrated Amadeus API for flights realtime price tracking and booking query form submission
- Stars filter bug resolved for hotels module on hostings listing page
- Easaypaisa pakistani payment gateway integration completed
- Visitors records moved from json file to database for website performance optimization
Version v6.4 - MAY 27 2018
- Admin & supplier header.php Dashboard URL bug fixed
- Modified tours module added all countries images for featured listings
- Added single site feature for hotel owner tour operator or car rentals
- Modules system upgraded to json database no more sql required for status
- Separated each view of module in themes in order to create new themes easily
- Admin section backup module optimized and added table to view backups smoothly
- Upgraded to PHP Version 7
- Integrated Hotelbeds API hotels module
- Travelport hotels api integrated
- Iati Flights API module integrated
- Manual flights module created to add edit manage flights manually
- Livechat feature added on backend admin panel now you can contacts us instantly from your admin panel
- Files optimized for better performance
- Security patched for some sources and updated few libraries
Version v6.3 - JAN 18 2018
- Re-designed new theme with fresh look and cool feel
- Backend admin panel completely optimized with better style
- security patched and some sources updated
- Re-integrated cartrawler module with better performance
- Added Page load effect to show animation while page loads
- Veritrans payment gateway integrated
- Credimax payment gateway integrated
- PayStack payment gateway integrated
- JazzCash payment gateway integrated
- Booking page loader fixed posisiton fixed
- Main application cool loading effect implemented
- Default images loader animation optimized with better style
- RTL header issues fixed
- RTL for hotel reviews section fixed
- RTL description on details page fixed
- Invoice printing feature added
- Invoice download image feature added
- Invoice Download PDF Feature added
- Travelport invoice download image bug fixed
- Travelpayouts Hotels affiliate integrated
- Social share feature added on details and blog page
- SMS booking alert added with nexmo integration
Version v6.2 - SEP 15 2017
- New theme implemented
- Travelport Galileo integration
- iVisa module integration
- Fixed some previous bugs
- Responsive design then before
- Fast & secure then before
- Flights rates show on homepage
- Download invoice as image for flights
- Script protected with license key
Version v6.1 - APR 06 2017
- Integrated Travelpayouts
- Expedia languages merged with system languages
- Expedia currency merged with system currency
- Expedia added hotel amenities and rooms amenities on search page
- API improved
- Design improved and optimized more sources
- Better security then before patched and updated sources
- Better RTL then before
- Added all locations to database for manual managed hotels,tours,cars
- Supplier restrcition bug fixed
Version v6 alpha - Dec 10 2016
- All reported bugs fixed
- Software sources improved
- Secured application files
- Added turkish and hebrew language packs
- Integrated payment gateway paytm
Version v6 - Nov 20 2016
- Mobile API updated and instructed
- Backend Main Settings Added New Tab for Mobile
- Backend payment gateways design optimized
- Backend Added Sitemap URL for WebMasters
- Frontend sitemap added blog posts
- Frontend sitemap added special offers
- Backend sitemap download option added on settings page
- Travelstart flights affiliate added to application
- Hotelscombined affiliate program added to application
- Wego Flights And Hotels Affiliate programe added to application
- Added multiple currencies by default for manual modules
- Updated and improved some languages translations
- Upgraded complete framework codeigniter from v2.1 to v3.1
- Optimized Front-end layouts and design UI/UX
- Lazyload added to load pictures on scroll and speedup the page loading
- Supports PHP7 95% but may be some improvements required in future
Version v5.4 - Sept 01 2016
- Payment gateway of added successfully
- Hotels Module rooms title update to rooms type
- Main search box on homepage improved to search with locations and modules base
- Optimized listing pages pagination to justified and responsive UI
- Application API improved documented and optimized to latest tech
- Admin, Supplier Login page redesigned and improved
- Rooms update button fixed
- Add to favorites option added again
- Emails heading UTF-8 bug fixed for languages
- Application API secured with API KEY to protect the data
- Data listing page pagination improved with larged view
Version v5.3 - May 25 2016
- Security patchs
- Hotels details page now showing full address + map view
- URL optimized for SEO performance
- License check removed now install on multiple domains
- Theme system optimized from multiple files to single file
- Functions.php confliction resolved for theming option
- Added WOW Js to auto animated on scrolling
- Default theme re-designed and improved all elements for better view
- New installation process with few clicks installation feature
- Featured tours now showing with multiple locations on homepage
- Backend visitors statactics database moved from DB to json to optimized the database
- Countries name moved from database to json file under json folder to optimized the database
- Suppliers registration page modified with better design and user-friendly elements
- Order booking invoice [payment_gateway] wrong veribiable removed
- Dohop flights active class bug resolved for main navigation
- Responsive logo now upload with any size height or width
- Main flights dohop search one way and round trip feature added
- Invoice page refined with better look and feel
- Included angular to show tours on homepage with responsive layout
- If rooms have no description the text "Description" will not show anymore
- backend quick booking tax bug solved
- backend quick booking if there is no extras on hotels the extras panel will not show
- backend quick booking "null" text bug fixed on total amount
- frontend On biiking page country selection added for customer
- Expedia listings page map zoomed in to show all properties clearly
- Admin panel remove "Applied for" text from customers and it will show only for suppliers now
- Booking process page now added country selection to know the customers country
- Cartrawler scroller bug fixed
- After installation email will be sent to admin for login details to remember the credentials
- URLS modified to meet latest SEO with country and city
Version v5.2 - Apr 20 2016
- This update will change the design of listing page for hotels cars tours image hover style including homepage special offers hover and main logo made more responsive.
- Updated the map for car details page.
- fixed of PayPal Express Checkout bug for update invoice after payment.
- fixed change the design of currency and language selection it will bring the language and currency selection options on the top header navbar.
- Mysql backup bug fixed.
- Expedia Pricing bug for currency other than USD is resolved.
- RTL issue fixed for datepicker
- Account Page turning blank bug resolved
- Expedia module updated, launch requirements implemented and booking cancellation feature added for users.
- Tours types in tours listing bug resolved.
- Widgets upload image in content bug resolved.
- Mobile App signup email bug resolved.
Version v5.1 - Feb 26 2016
- Added payment gateway stripe to accept payments
- Responsive Invoice and better then before
- Homepage slider auto sliding feature
- RTL improvements and modifications for better result
- Optimized some sourced and fixed some HTML and CSS
- More secure and better then ever before
- Watermark Images feature for all upload listings
- Expedia new requirements implemented
Version v5 - Jan 4 2016
- Fixed some security holes to protect the app for better result
- New theme implemented with better design and responsive look
- Complete new package of new features and improvements
Version 4.9 - Nov 23 2015
- Hotels, Cars, Tours, Booking on mobile bugs fixed
- Arabic Language Added And Full RTL is Now Supported
- Design Improvements And Code Optimizations
- New Payment Gateway Implemented CC Avenue
- New Module CarTrawler Implemeted With Full Whitelabel Integration
-'s New Necessary Design And Functionality Implemented
- Admin and Supplier Login Page Designed for Better Look and Feel
-'s API Rooms images bug fixed
- On Listing Page Pagination after Search Bug Resolved
- On Final Payment Page FireFox Redirection Payment Gateway Bug Fixed
- Sub Admin login Redirect Loop bug is resolved
- New Feature added now Suppliers can add Locations if Admin Permit them
- Car Listings datepicker Z-Index Bug Fixed
- Dohop flights module search auto suggestion bug is resolved
- Locations with same latitude and longitude cannot be added again
- Customer My Account Page Design Changed and Optimized
Version 4.8 - Nov 11 2015
- New design theme and better homepage implemended
- Hotels, Tours, Cars and booking limit raised to 50 on listing page in admin panel
- Supplier Delete bug resolved
- Special offers price was limited to 5 digits price, now it has been updated now price can be added over 5 digits
- Paypal Currency bug resolved
- Redirecting bug on invoice when checking from mobile has be resolved
- Extras price bug resolved
- Multiple locations assigned to tours module
- Supplier permission removed to update some fields in hotels, tours and cars
- Booking cancel bug resolved when booking is cancelled it was shown as paid
- Passport info for guest added for tours on booking page and also shown on invoice page
- Booking update bug resolved
- update booking info when changed status to paid emails were not going through, which is now resolved
- Expedia Multiple locations found bug is resolved
- payment options showing on page even if disabled from backend, bug is resolved
- Add review button not showing for new hotel and tour, bug is resolved
- Room per night price bug on invoice page has been resolved
Version 4.7 - Oct 27 2015
- Coupons Module Implemented with full features
- Added new feature for mobile redirection option provided at application settings page
- Cars front end date picker bug fixed
- Cars booking email to supplier bug fixed
- Option is given in admin settings page so admin can restrict website to registered users only
- New feature added to application, now admin can restrict access to his/her application to only to registered users
- Cars were not being assigned to supplier when updating supplier details. It has been resolved in this bug
- Few translation bugs resolved
- suppliers can control extras now
- Api update for cars
- Childtheme feature added to make you own customized classes for theme
- Adult price for tours addition has been made mandatory.
- SEO bug resolved for meta keywords and meta description
- Delete function for different modules listings page in admin panel has been resolved for firefox bug
- Tour Settings page was missing the tabs of Inclusions and Exclusions, which is resolved
- Resolved assigning bug with hotels, cars and tours.
- Improved Supplier Registration process
- Tours settings page bug for tour types tab bug resolved
- Tours, Hotels and Cars search turning to white when language is other than english, bug is resolved
- Listing pages minor design fixes
Version 4.6 - Oct 15 2015
- childtheme feature implemented
- suppliers permissions bug fixed
- some bugs fixed and imrproved version
- code optimization
Version 4.5 - Oct 8 2015
- cars booking complete module
- default currency not selected bug has been resolved
- Supplier Register page turning blank when form submitted if language selected is other than english
- There was a bug when supplier updated its profile then the supplier permissions to different modules was reset, which has been resolved now
- Search min/max price on settings page has been which previous was not able to add price more than 32k+
- Extra beds charges prices shown in dropdown on hotel details page with each room has been resolved
- Locations management link bug resolved, now that link can only be shown to admin
- Turing page white when tried to login, or book with a language selected other than english has been resolved
- Review submit button missing from tour page has been added
- Enhanced feature of add to wish list, now user can add to wish list not only from specific page but also from listing page too
- bookings emails have been resolved. Quick booking turning back has been resolved.
- tours and hotels map marker icon on tour and hotel single page
- date selector for tours single page as we had in previous version
- some fixes for tours listing page
- some fixes in few database tables,
- avg per night text removed from tours listing page which was shown with each price of tour.
- translation of few words has been fixed.
Version 4.4 - Sep 30 2015
- entire default theme re-designed
- 100% responsive design
- optimized code and theme structure
- RTL Feature removed will be back soon
- hotel listing page with map locations
- hotel listing page with ralated hotels map icon
- supplier registration modules selection re-designed
- some improvements and code optimization
Version 4.3 - Aug 21 2015
- Tours module re-designed and completed
- Admin login page will show current version of application
- Maximum adults/child bug resolved for quickbooking section.
- Improvement for front-end main search bar
- Added feature to manage the count of homepage featured hotels and tours
- front-end aligned and backend sidebar newsletter & bookings location changed
- Force ssl issue resolved
Version 4.2 - Aug 07 2015
- New update will show applications version on your admin login
- Advance Prices of rooms deletion fixed
- Few minor bugs resolved
- Few minor bugs resolved. Paypal Express Checkout is added as payment gateway
- Improved Hotels and Rooms Delete Function
- Room Default image missing has been fixed
- Minor Footer changes in default theme
- Wrongly placed link bug is resolved. Booking permissions feature added
- Missing pagination on hotels search page is resolved
- Bugs resolved regarding special offers searching and other minor issues
- Bugs resolved regarding hotels search related issues
- Room availability and other minor bugs are resolved
- Different types of bugs and design issues have been resolved
Version 4.1 - July 15 2015
- Application updates feature added now update the software from admin panel
- Admin password reset bug fixed now you will receive the password
- Backend cms url bug fixed
- New feature added to export any table of database from backup page and import it later
- New feature enable disable multi currency
- Backend blog all bugs fixed and optimized
- Backend newsletter filter bug fixed
- Front-end hotel single page if there was no image now it will show blank image
- Front-end hotel single page related hotels bug fixed
Version 4.0 - July 04 2015
Key and major features which has been forced us to re-build the entire application are :
- add any payment gateway of your choice by simple modification
- the entire application has been optimized from 150mb to 15mb size only
- removed all iframes because in modern browsers iframes are no more supported
- better seo fast page loads and minified sources
- more user-friendly admin panel and many new features to manage the application and services
- 100% translation option for all contents for front-end title, desc, amenenities etc
- optimized CMS system to create pages menus and manage them for front-end
- New optimized theme for back-end and front-ent more responsive and better then before
- backend realtime alerts for new booking new supplier registration and reviews
Previous versions are no longer available please use v6 or above
Aggregated Solution
With our multiple channel aggregation feature now we can get inventory from different API's with realtime pricing and booking.
- GDS & OTA Integration
- Realtime API's and Dashboards
- 100% Opensource Platform Structure
- Highly Scalable and Extensive
- Secure by Additinal Layers
- Latest Technology Implemented
- Self-Hosted Structure
- Developer Friendly Documentation
- Live Testing Demonstration