The Importance of Cybersecurity in the Tourism Industry

Booking flights and hotels for vacations or business trips is something people do as part of the normal course of their lives. What they don’t realize is that the tourism industry has some of the highest number of security breaches. Think about it: when you book that flight or reserve a room at a hotel, you use either your personal or corporate credit cards to pay for them. When buying your tickets, you put in personal information that could be stolen and used by hackers to steal your identity. 

The amount of sensitive, personal data that hotels and travel companies keep in their databases makes them a prime target for cyber criminals. That is why one of the areas that these companies need to focus on is protecting client’s data. Cybersecurity is something that players in the hospitality industry need in order to protect their clients. 

What is cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is keeping your computer networks secure from data breaches, theft, misdirection of service, and damage to both software and hardware. Cyber criminals target industries that hold sensitive data that they could exploit for gains. 

Cybersecurity has several common categories:

Common types of cyberattacks in the tourism industry and how to protect your organization

  1. Phishing

This is perhaps the most common scam of them all. Phishing emails often disguise themselves as promotional emails, news emails, sometimes even emails from your bank asking you to change your password and providing you with a link where you can change it. 

Cyber criminals have learned to mask these emails to make them look legit. As people become more aware of this modus operandi, the people behind them evolve their attacks. 

There are two general types of phishing attacks: whaling and spear phishing. 

There may be other types of phishing, but these two are the most common in the hospitality industry. 

How to protect your company:

  1. Distributed denial of service or DDoS attacks

Cyber criminals love using DDoS attacks to disrupt their target hotel’s servers by flooding them with a sudden heavy influx of internet traffic. This will bring the target’s server down, disrupting their system to the point of grounding all services to a halt. This is done all in the name of money. 

How to protect your company:

  1. Malware and ransomware

These are malicious software that can corrupt your computer or access data and hold it for ransom. These are used to spy or destroy data and install more infectious malware into your system. 

How to protect your company:

Take away

Cybersecurity is an integral part of the tourism industry. There are ways to prevent cyberattacks as long as both employers and employees are educated, the right security systems are in place, and all systems are up-to-date.

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